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The CryptoLexicon

Collect the card Enter the Guild
Guild Card #19
Definition: Crypto Coven is a series of generative portraits of WITCHES minted as NFTs, and an immersive, narrative-driven experiment in world-building. Each WITCH is uniquely beautiful & powerful, as are the goddesses who dare to become them.
By: @Anonymous
Price: .1 eth
The CryptoLexicon is the community-owned dictionary for web3. 26 winning Season 1 submissions have been conjured into machine-dream animations, inserted into 3D Guild Cards and minted.
Each Card is a skeleton key bestowing upon each owner access to The CryptoLexicon Guild. We are a tokenized society that gathers to form ideas and make decisions that will shape the CryptoLexicon, and define the very future of web3.
Only 26 cards are minted per season. All proceeds go to definers and Season 2.
The entire CryptoLexicon Season 1 Collection is on OpenSea
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